I perceive myself as a strategist and player-coach supporting medium-sized enterprises in the engineering & construction arena or within the process industries. With my extensive professional experience, I provide flexible and target-oriented guidance.
I engage to foster your company in developing and implementing innovative process technology and its hardware, as well as future-oriented business strategies. This way, you can sustainably and permanently enhance your competitiveness—meaning energy-efficient and resource-conserving.
Enterprises in engineering & construction as well as in the process industries are facing multiple challenges. Developing efficient and sustainable technologies is the order of the hour. At the same time, they have to withstand in a dynamic market characterized by constant innovation and global competition.
- technological evolution: needing to develop efficient and sustainable process solutions, as well as robust and safe hardware.
- dynamic markets: permanently adapting to new demands by innovation, advanced business models and international competition.
- optimized process technology: reducing cost and improving quality through smart product development.
- strategic challenges: safeguarding long-term growth by leveraging competitive advantages.
Resource-efficient and economical process technology is Key for our future Prosperity
These companies are looking for a partner understanding their technical and economic challenges. A capable partner having successfully demonstrated to develop and implement tailor-made, innovative process solutions. An ally not only acting as a consultant, but rather as a vigilant strategist and sedulous agent implementing the plan for the future. That is where I come into play for you.
We mutually create the future of your company – farsighted, target-oriented, inventive and with a spark of humor.
With more than 35 years of international business experience in engineering & construction, I firmly stand to your side as your partner. My expertise comprises R&D and market introduction of new process technology and the associated hardware, developing and implementing complex projects, as well as successful strategic positioning or restructuring of companies. I strive to develop solutions that combine technical excellence with entrepreneurial farsightedness to secure lasting competitive advantage.
I started my career studying chemical engineering – which could also be named decathlon in natural sciences. Since then, I successfully led companies through phases of growth, technical modernization or even re-organization and restructuring. During my multifaceted assignments, numerous innovations emerged and were granted international patents.
You can rely on my deep technical know-how as well as my distinct sense for market trends and opportunities resulting from urgent needs or desires of your industry sector. I attach great importance to value-centered leadership, integrity, trust and an open-minded, creative collaboration.
I firmly wish to develop lasting solutions for you, thereby creating stable and trustful business relationships. I believe in the particular role of modern process technology to be instrumental to delivering energy- and resource-efficient solutions and to create a livable Lebensraum.
for excellence in process technology and its hardware as well as the development of enterprises for the process industries
How I advance your company
Through my consultancy firm, I support medium-sized companies in engineering & construction as well as in the process industries to improve their innovative power and market effectiveness. Bringing along broad experience, I act as strategist and player-coach for you – developing business strategy, triggering growth impulses, or empowering your corporation in dynamic markets.
How you benefit from our collaboration:
- mastering technological challenges
- opening up new market potentials
- developing tailor-made solutions by combining strategic foresight and pragmatic implementation
- safeguarding economic well-being through long-term competitiveness
- setting up your organization for a lasting, successful future.
Strategic consulting
Being a seasoned consultant, I develop pragmatic solutions for your most urgent corporate challenges. Founded on a deep understanding of your industry sector, I elaborate, challenge and support your strategy development, innovation management and operational improvement. I firmly believe in a close collaboration with your team to ensure constant success.
Target-oriented advisory
Having broad insights and an overview of markets, competitive landscape and the characteristics of project business, I offer profound assessments of chances and risks. Be it in selective projects or as your permanent partner – it will be my privilege to identify uncertainties early on and help you manage them professionally. My recommendations are based on diligent analysis of your environment providing sureness for your decisions.
Interim management for emergency and transformation
In demanding phases for your enterprise, I stand to your side as Interim Manager. Be it re-organization, restructuring, a new positioning of your company or new market entry– I take over responsible lead and introduce my full business experience. I can navigate your organization through stormy times and empower your team to master the future.
Mentoring for long-term personal development
As a mentor, I encourage leaders and young leadership talents in their professional and personal development. Based on my own experience, I accompany you in an open dialogue – on-demand or longer term. I will be glad to empower you and help you to unfold your full potential. We will jointly create a solid foundation for your success.
Engineered process solutions enable transformation - trusted in severe service
My role as strategist is founded on profound knowledge and comprehensive experience in corporate development and its yielding implementation.
In my role as player-coach, I deeply engage myself hands-on and empower you to master future challenges independently.
My guidelines for a joint success
Acting successfully requires more than diligent planning – it requires the will and ability to act, determination, initiative, and perseverance. Let your strategies be realized at a good pace towards a clear target. Let your vision come true. My guidelines for our joint success are:
- See the field – diagnose your environment thoroughly and leverage the circumstances.
- Think outside the box and over the edge – actively question established assumptions.
- Awaken collective intelligence through progressive corporate culture.
- Strive for the Best Available Technology (BAT).
- Things do not happen, things are made happen – actively shape your success.
Would you like to dive deeper into my guiding principles?
Christoph Lütge – innovation.consulting.engineering.
Gesellschaft für Oeltechnik mbH-Group - Waghäusel and Plauen, Germany
Castolin GmbH – Kriftel, Germany
CLC - Strategy and Technology Consulting – Unna, Germany
HORA GmbH & Co. KG - Schloss Holte-Stukenbrock, Germany
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions AG (former Uhde GmbH), concurrent roles:
» CEO for Uhde Inventa-Fischer-Group – Berlin / Domat/Ems, Germany / Switzerland
» Chairman of the Advisory Committee for Uhde High Pressure Technologies GmbH, Hagen
Uhde High Pressure Technologies GmbH – Hagen, Germany
ThyssenKrupp Engineering AG – Essen, Germany
Education and Advanced Training
Dr.-Ing. Chemical Engineering at the Institute for Thermodynamics
University of Dortmund, Germany - 1993
Dipl.-Ing. Chemical Engineering
University of Dortmund, Germany - 1989
Selected elements from Executive Management Programs at
IMD Lausanne, Insead Fontainebleau, London Business School, Ashridge Business School, ESMT Berlin
Various accolades and prizes were awarded to me, a member or a group of my team or to a client organization during our collaboration:
- Innovation prizes: multiple honors for technological innovations and outstanding achievements in the area of high-pressure technologies and biotechnology by reputable organizations.
- Internal awards: Repeat prizes in internal competition for company performance within group of companies; especially in high-pressure technologies and chemical engineering.
- Industry sector honors: Award for business partner by an industry association for technical development and particular progress in high-pressure pasteurization.
- Academic accolade: Award for extraordinary scientific achievements in chemical engineering through a private foundation.